Let me briefly share the following updates on my knitting committments & mothering:
- I was able to knit a few more squares over the holiday. This is not the progress I hoped for, but progress, nonetheless.
- I received a set of circular looms for Christmas. Hmmmm......they have made me curious & I have toyed with them a bit, making one hat and one more is in process.
- Lily is sleeping better! After renting every book on babies & sleeping from the library, I've decided to be more routine in the times that I feed her cereal. I have been quite sporadic, and since I've gone to feeding her rice cereal twice everyday, at 9 and 2, her sleeping has improved. The night we returned from visiting family resulted in a ten hour stretch!!! One word: AMAZING. I thought it would be difficult to maintain this routine while visiting family, but instead found it quite easy. Her six month check up will be Monday.
- Knitting is great because it's a convenient hobby that gives back. I don't need to take up a whole table, I don't need a ton of tools... I just need a bag, some yarn & some needles: I love it!
How cool is it that God has given us the desire to create beautiful, unique things? For this is His very nature, as OUR creator. I am so thankful & humbled that He would allow me to experience just a taste of how divine it is to make something and acknowledge that it is good!