Monday, March 28, 2011

Awkward Knitting Photo Monday

A big thanks to my sister in law, Ashley, for passing along this gem ;)

For more awkwardness, check out

Happy Monday!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Awkward Knitting Photo Monday

May the force be with you this week :)

My favorite comment on this knitting pattern was:

"This is a very pretty hat! This is perfect for winter. A hat and an ear muff in one."

I couldn't agree more....

Happy Awkward Knitting Photo Monday!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tippy Toes

Sorry for going AWOL yesterday!

Today's focus will combine Tuesday's Tip and Wednesday's "News":

(Keep in mind as you read on that I am a newbie to the realms of knitting.)

The slippers I have been workin on were taking so long to complete largely because I was using wooden needles. I have learned that wooden and bamboo needles offer you great control but not so much on speed.... I was also fearing the loss of an appendage as I stabbed my right pointer finger on each stitch! The size 2 tips were killing me!

Anyhow...I went on the search last week for a speedier, gentler replacement. Size 2 needles are difficult to find in a shorter length and material besides wood! I ended up once again in Niles, MI at The Red Purl where a clerk introduced me to Addi-Turbo circular needles. She graciously took the time to show me how they could be used to knit a pattern meant for two needles. Meanwhile, Lily was entertained by Purl, the owner's dog who roams the shop.

These needles are known as the Cadillac of knitting needles and I have to agree! My pointer finger is not aching and my knitting goes much more quickly!

And so I am a happier knitter today than I was a week ago :)

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Awkward Knitting Monday

This photo/design comes from the book Dress your Dog by Sys Fredens.

Please note the caption!

I have to confess that the designs in this book are pretty stinkin cute....but this shot was too funny to pass up as an awkward knitting photo.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thrifty and Thrilling

In reflecting on the thrills of motherhood each Thursday, I would be I'll advised NOT to mention my good friend, THE THRIFT STORE.

For all you who have the idea that thrift stores only contain garage sale left-overs, I say you are partially correct...

I admit that it can be a bit of a dumpster dive, complete with that musty smell, miniature carts and fluorescent lighting, but it is also a treasure trove for moms!

The hunt is largely what gets me: being able to walk out with barely used or brand new items for my Lily for a slivered fraction of the cost! Time and time again, I find what I need and so much more. I have gotten little shoes, jackets, Boppy covers, holiday outfits, toys, etc.... My all-time fave purchase was a brand new rocking chair cushion set in pink gingham, which I was able to use to replace the nasty cushions on a rocking chair I picked up from a garage sale for $20. The cushion set cost me only $5!

Goodwill, Salvation Army, local charity-based---it doesn't matter, there are treasures to discover! I can hardly bring myself to purchase items on clearance anymore, when I know there are greater deals at the thrifty! And many of these stores support local community building

And so it is that I choose to enjoy and yes, get my thrills, from shopping at the thrift store! I hope you do too!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Wooly Wednesday

In recent days, I have been reinspired by my knitting stash and the downtown library!

I continue to pick up my chocolate brown skein of wool & organic cotton by Spud and Chloe. This yarn knits up so beautifully, so precisely. And it has a durability to it that makes it perfect for slippers/booties and hats or mittens. But, I have had to unravel each project I have attempted to knit with it....UNTIL NOW!

Leave it to Miss Debbie Bliss- remember those seed stitch slippers I tried to make months ago and then gave up on? Well... in her book entitled, The Baby Knits Book, she features a nearly identical pattern using the garter stitch instead. They are called pompon slippers. Because of my experience with the seed stitch slippers, I've been able to navigate quite easily through the instructions and the garter stitch knits so much faster! So, I am happily knitting away, hoping to complete them in time for a special friend who is expecting :)

I am also happy to report the mystery of The Boyfriend Scarf has been solved! Thanks to my good friend Brooke's mom, who is a master knitter! Big thanks! I am eager to pick that project up again!

And that is what's new this week. Happy Wednesday, friends!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday is for Tips

You may or may not have noticed that last week I was MIA... I found myself at a loss for words and time.....and my IPAD was incapacitated.

After a visit to the Apple doctor, I'm happy to be back in the game!

And today is Tuesday which means it is tip-time, baby!

I am being reminded through a bible study I am going through with my international girls--who say they read my blog!--that my life is not my own. And when I focus on MY plans, MY expectations, MYSELF, I miss out. Period.

And so my friends, my tip for today is not directly linked to knitting and motherhood, but it certainly covers it and puts it in perspective:

John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."