Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What's New Wednesdays

Spring has arrived :)

Visited BK's Drive-In Root Beer Stand and proceeded to eat fried mushrooms in the back seat of the car...

The Vice President of our college danced on stage during International Chapel....

Splashed in the pond on campus with Lily...

Our Men's Soccer team broke a Guiness World Record...

Fell & rolled my left ankle and fractured my right big toe: in the same front of a student....

Seaming up second pom-pom slipper for Lily!

Praying for former RA:Autumn, and her family as they adjust to recent developments with her Lupus....

Reading "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller...

Missing fellowship with the triad: Jaime, Val & myself :(

Looking forward to time with my "pal" (you know who you are!)

Desiring a knit-vacation!

What's new with you??


  1. I miss you too, friend! You and Jaime will have to make a trip to Kankakee this summer! Baby J will love to meet Lily and the ladies!
    Happy Spring!!! Lots of hugs and love!

  2. Oh, Val! I would love to and cannot wait!! I hope you are feeling good and taking it easy ;). Gotta see a pic of that belly again!

  3. I LOVE Donald Miller. Favorite author ever. How do you like the book? Have you read any of his others?

    P.S. We cannot get over how cute Lily was in the DC on Tuesday when we saw her and she was so smiley. :)

  4. Hey, Sara! I am really enjoying the book: he is unconventional in his approach and his style has grown on me ;) The book is very thought provoking! I recommend it :)

    PS: Clearly Lily understands what should make us smile in life---good friends with great hearts :)

  5. knitting vacation? come on over to Idaho, we'll let you knit till your heart's content surrounded by mountains and lots of places for your husband to fish! ;-)

  6. Oh my goodness, Brooke...that would be so sweet!! I am dreaming of it in this very moment ;) Miss you, friend!
