Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday's Tip

Get to know your public library! Doing so will give you and the little one the opportunity to get out of the house, and feed your "shopping" fix at the same time! BONUS: all for free!

The library also offers up mom & me classes, which equal a great time with other moms in the community. I've loved seeing Lily enjoy the opportunity to interact with other little ones at these classes....

I can get everything from the newest books to CD's to magazines at our public library- talk about a great knitting and parenting resource!
Happy Tuesday evening to you all! May you find the time to explore your local library soon!


  1. I love this picture! It makes my heart happy. Kids and books; it's a great thing:)

  2. I love it, too! I have it framed in my office ;)
